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Perhaps even more difficult than painting is writing about painting......

So I thought I would try to apply a similar process ie beginning with intuitive rambling followed by a more considered editing. The experience of laying down paint with little thought just allowing the impulse to take over doesn't necessarily come naturally but once started is difficult to stop. Putting on layers of paint, sometimes collage, mark making, sanding and scraping back to reveal lower layers all add to the process of giving the piece a history & adds to the joy of creating.The enjoyment of letting the painting evolve without too much planning is a very freeing experience but once I do decide to stop then the contemplation of where the image goes next becomes a much quieter, more tentative approach. It's like taking a consciouse breath.

The CVP approach (Creative Visionary Programme - the brainchild of Nicholas Wilton) highlights the importance of differences, both in art and life, and these different approaches in making each image result in a more exciting and stimulating process.


Perhaps even more difficult than painting is writing about painting, but here goes.....

The experience of laying down paint with little thought, just allowing the impulse to take over, didn't intially come naturally to me but once started is difficult to stop. Putting on layers of paint, sometimes collage, mark making, sanding and scraping back to reveal lower layers all add to the process of giving the piece a history and to the joy of creating.The enjoyment of letting the painting evolve without too much planning is a very freeing experience but once I do decide to stop then the contemplation of where the image goes next becomes a much quieter, more tentative approach. It's like taking a conscious breath.

The CVP approach (Creative Visionary Programme - the brainchild of Nicholas Wilton) highlights the importance of differences, both in art and life, and these different approaches in making each image result in a more exciting and stimulating process.


If you would like to talk about a commission or enquire about any of the paintings on the site please use the contact form or send me an email.

Prices range from £45 - £165.00


Harbour in a Storm Mixed media on gessoed mountboard 24x24 cms.jpg

© 2021 Tracy Marshall - tracymarshallstudio

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